søndag den 31. januar 2016

Yet Another Year

New Year, New Me.

This is four very overused words. 

So as we are approaching the second months of the new year, we should already be able to notice if there have been any changes to ourselves. Is this "New Year, New Me" really a thing? Does it work? And will it ever work?

According to me, it is the mind, which will make an agreement, and once you are 100% committed, you will be able to fulfill this agreement. Essentially, most people who make a commitment and says they will follow it for the next year, are not focused with the challenges that may arise during the year, but thinks about the present. The present is of course important to think about, but when making long term goals, the future is important to have in mind. Always.

For all those who are still keeping their goals, and for those who stay focused, this will be a life long change. It has to be a life long change, otherwise it would be meaningless. Although, you decode whether or not things are meaningless. You give things their meaning, you decide. 

Inspirational thoughts are sent your way!

tirsdag den 17. november 2015

Embrace Your Inner Child

We are all children.

It is difficult to deny.

Inside we all act as children at least once in a while. And so we should. It is important to not take everything so bloody serious all the time. This makes us all stressed and does not help in a situation where you already feel pressured. I have come to encounter this as my schooling, within the International Baccalaureate (IB), is strict and requires many hours studying every single day. In order for my world not to crash I have to focus on the good things in life, and therefore childhood is a super example. 
Many thinks about their childhood with a nostalgic feeling "It was a great time when... (we didn't have to worry about a thing)".

To embrace our inner childhood and be able to relax it is important to make a fool of yourself. Allow yourself to express the weirdest things you can possibly imagine. Go ahead and make a weird face. Do it, because you can. Tell yourself it won't be embarrassing. 

"We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun".

Don't forget!

lørdag den 14. november 2015

Smile. Everybody smile.

I feel no need for a title.

Do me the favor and smile.

"Life is short, smile while you still have teeth".

This is what everyone should be saying to each other because many people forget to stop and think about it. We are all focused on creating this life of our and focused on making a life. Sometimes it is also important to look up and say wow, life really is a beautiful thing. Therefore, I say smile. 

In a way it is of course important to create a good life and to create strong bonds with people, don't get me wrong here. It is however also important that we are able to stop and say to ourselves "today I will be happy. Today is the day". When you choose happiness you will become happy. We can indeed control our own emotions, of course only to a certain extend, but that is not the point. The point is the importance of being happy, it can make all the difference in life. 

Smile, and when Tuesday comes around - Happy Tuesday!


søndag den 8. november 2015

No Title Needed.

So. Here it is. 

A new Blog.

Short posts and new ideas. Maybe worth following.

Keep it short and simple.

So, to start off with my name is Josephine. I am a pure breed Dane and a proud viking. I am currently living the sweet and easy IB life. (If anyone has ever heard of IB they will know that I am being super sarcastic). I like to be upfront when possible, and sarcasm is usually not my strongest side. I like making jokes, but usually I end up being the only one who laughs. We can't take every moment too serious, because then we can ask ourselves: 

"What is life worth if we have to be serious ever moment of every day?" 

Therefore I say laugh. Laugh really hard sometimes until your stomach hurts, laugh even though you are laughing at yourself. Just go ahead and do it. Now. Go ahead.